12 Months of Biochembelle

First, a little bloggy business: As you probably know by now, I decided to stop blogging at LabSpaces (you can find my farewell post there) and will be posting all my ramblings here. I’ve been archiving my LabSpaces posts here tonight, so apologies for the entries you’ve already seen that are popping up in Google Reader.

Now, onto bloggy fun: It’s that time of year again–the time the DrugMonkey dredges up the Twelve Months of (fill-in-the-blank) meme. The rules are simple: Post the link and first sentence of the first blog entry of each month. A couple of mine aren’t technically the first post, because the first was a call or reminder for carnival posts or a note about moving. Also posts for Aug., Sept., and Oct. were originally posted at LabSpaces, so if you want to check out comments, head over there.

So here goes:

Jan – I am back from my unintended blog vacation.

Feb – “I can’t believe that’s a paper.”

March – Paramed  and I got into a not-so-little tiff last night.

April – Sustaining a career in science–whether at or away from the bench–takes a lot, in fact much more than you think starting off.

May – It goes without saying, There’s a massive set of skills that you need to succeed and to move forward in science that you’ll never learn in a classroom.

June – Every research scientist has his or her own reasons for choosing a research path.

July – For reasons that might be discussed at a later date, I am looking for a new job.

Aug – Genomic Repairman, it seems, is a fanboy of NCI Director Harold Varmus.

Sept – With his daily music posts, Genomic Repairman has clearly demonstrated that scientists can possess a great love of music.

Oct – Everyone has a different approach, and approaches vary between career stages (e.g. undergrad, grad student, postdoc…).

Nov – One of my favorite new blogs this year is Retraction Watch, written by Adam Marcus and Ivan Oransky, both carrying substantial science editing and journalism credentials.

Dec – Women–in many arenas–are often not as readily recognized or recalled as men in the same arenas.

If you blog, consider yourself tagged 🙂

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4 Responses to 12 Months of Biochembelle

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention 12 Months of Biochembelle | There and (hopefully) back again -- Topsy.com

  2. Silver Fox says:

    Welcome back! Not that you went anywhere – blogroll and reader duly changed. 🙂

  3. Mark says:

    I’ve added your new blogging address to http://s30.com/scienceblogs – Hope this is okay with you, sorry to hear that politics got in the way of something you do because you enjoy.

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